Where to buy cheap boilies?

Indispensable to carp fishing, the boilie remains a bait which presents a good effectiveness. As these exist in many models on the market, several prices are at your disposal. To save more money, it is important to make a price comparison. That’s why in this article, we suggest where you can find cheap boilies.

How to choose boilies?

Boilies are one of the most popular baits for carp fishing. They remain popular not only because of their cheaper price, but also because of their effectiveness. It is obviously a better solution for effective carp fishing. It is indeed a ball of dough made of fishmeal. These come in many sizes, colours, flavours, textures and shapes. It is therefore very important that you take your needs into account.

To begin with, you must choose the carp boilie according to the season. Obviously, the food requirements of the fish are not the same throughout the year. It is important to select this fishing bait according to its size. Of course, this depends on the age and size of the carp to be caught. The taste also remains a criterion to be taken into account to well choose your boilie carp.

What influences the price of boilies

As you will have understood, many models of boilies for carp are available on the market. Of course, these do not have the same price. In the first place, the quality of the bait remains a parameter that influences its price. The better the quality, the more expensive it is. However, models with a high price do not mean quality. In addition, the brand of the carp bait is also a criterion that influences its price.

Besides that, other elements such as the size, the texture or the flavour can make the price of a carp net vary.

Specialist fishing tackle shops: the right place to find cheap boilies

The best place to find cheap boilies is undoubtedly in shops that specialise in the sale of fishing tackle. Indeed, many models are available and you can have a wide choice. Moreover, a professional is at your disposal to give you advice to easily find the product that suits your budget. To avoid the hassle of buying, it is very important to choose a shop that is close to your home.

On the internet, there are many online stores that sell cheap boilies

Today with the advance of technology, it is possible for you to buy your carp boilies on the internet. Many online companies have specialised in the sale of this product. Of course, many products are at your disposal. What is interesting is that you can easily make a price comparison. With just a few clicks, you can access all the products. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the collection. A delivery service can be provided.

How to take poles?

During the summer, people will mainly turn to fish such as pike, zander and catfish. However, the perch lure is also a quality fish at this time, even though it is mostly considered an autumn fish. You can have a great time catching this quality fish.

Ideal fishing conditions for perch

Everything makes the perch one of your best fishing companions during the summer season. Indeed, it is at a stage of maturation that it is quite large since the hatching. You can easily find species up to 50cm long. Secondly, this fish has the particularity of not being too fussy about bait.

It will easily rush to a wide range of perch lure but once it bites, it will not easily give in. So you can expect some great battles to see which of you and the fish will give in. You should also consider getting the right equipment.

The basic equipment to use

To catch this fish, you don’t necessarily need a lot of equipment. As far as lures for perch are concerned, they don’t take up too much space, so you can afford to vary. As far as rods are concerned, you can go for a spinning type rod, with a power of between 10g and 15g. A reel with a size of 2500 will be very suitable, and as for the line, you should choose one that is between 8/100 and 12/100.

A rod with dimensions that are not too excessive is the most suitable. The environment in which this fish evolves will sometimes be quite steep, with rocks everywhere on the edges. It would therefore be impractical to use equipment that is too large.

Choosing the right bait for your needs

It is possible to fish for this fish with several styles, depending on the conditions, but also on your preferences. For example, you can use a crank bait, which generates vibrations to attract perch.

This is highly effective, especially in early summer, as these carnivorous fish will easily chase small fish baits. Spoons can be suitable for fishing in various depths. The best thing to do is to put together a set of lures depending on the situation.


This practice is interesting for perch, as this fish will sometimes try to stay away from the edges. Aiming for deep water in this way increases your chances of catching a large fish.

For powerfishing, soft baits fitted with a weighted lead head can be very effective. You just have to choose the right size of lure, because if it is too big, your fish might not go near it. Powerfishing to catch fish can be done from the water’s edge as well as from a boat exploring the waters.

How to use a touch sensor?

Fishing can be made much easier if you decide to use a bite detector. It saves you from having to keep a close eye on your line, as fish can take a long time to bite. To take full advantage of this, you need to get the right model.

How a bite detector works

In order for your bite detector to work properly, it must take into account a specific fact about your rod. This means that even the slightest changes to this data will be considered a touch. When this happens, you will be alerted in some way.

There are an increasing number of models on the market that can do this, and you have a wide choice. Many anglers decide to use this alternative, and it allows them to increase the number of catches they make. Both novices and advanced anglers can benefit from this.

Using a lighted bite detector

One of the most interesting models is the flashing light bite detector. You have to position the detector on your rod and wait for a catch to be noticed. To assess whether a fish has bitten the line, this detector will analyse the presence of vibrations.

This is a very accurate technique, but you need to make sure you keep an eye on the line. To avoid too much strain, it is advisable to position yourself with the rod in your line of sight. Once this is done, it will be more convenient for you to wait patiently.

Turning to an audible touch detector

The other alternative in terms of a touch sensor is one that alerts you with sounds. This is still not the most effective method, not least because it requires various adjustments. This type of detector is not able to detect the slight vibrations of your rod.

Instead, you have to use a counterbalance system that has to fall off in case of a hit, and activate the alarm. This is not the most accurate way to do this. However, it may be suitable if you do not want to keep an eye on the rod for too long.

Choosing the right brand of detector

To ensure that your touch sensor does its job properly, it is essential that you choose a good manufacturer. If you don’t buy a model that is not efficient, you risk compromising the effectiveness of the whole system. To find out which brands are the most trendy and reliable, be sure to approach the fishing communities.

These can be found on social networks like Facebook or YouTube. You can even visit the forums on the subject, as these are very active. By doing this, you are able to make the best choices for your fish finder.

How do you know if your glasses are polarized?

Polarised glasses are equipment that do not come off the eyes of fishermen. However, they really need to be polarised to avoid the disadvantages of brightness in the sun. How do you know if your glasses are polarised?

How do you define polarised glasses?

Before going any further, it is necessary to underline the definition of polarized glasses. In principle, polarised glasses are equipped with a polarising filter. The role of the latter is to eliminate the parasitic reflections of sunlight on a surface. This can be water, a road, snow or the horizon. At the same time, polarised lenses also serve to protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays.

Sunlight is a major factor in the rapid deterioration of the retina, so if this is not to happen, polarised glasses are the obvious choice. Since fishermen are always confronted with the sun’s rays, they must wear glasses with polarised lenses.

Polarised glasses, the features to remember

There are a few things you should know when choosing polarized glasses. For the safety of your eyes, you should emphasise these features. Thus, if you want to replace your glasses, you must be precise on :

  • The protection against UV by specifying the CE marking;
  • Polarisation, which is an essential point to avoid the dangers of sunlight;
  • Protection against glare.

Without these criteria, you cannot tell whether a pair of glasses is polarised or not.

How polarised glasses work

The main reason why anglers are especially interested in polarized glasses is because of all the advantages they can offer. In terms of functionality, this type of lens blocks horizontal light and allows vertical light to pass through. Thus, only useful light is reflected on the glasses and reaches the eyes. The comfort of vision is a benefit appreciated with polarized glasses. It should be noted that this type of eyewear requires special, high-quality lenses. For fishermen in particular, it is highly recommended to opt for this equipment to avoid possible glare at the water’s edge.

The right model of polarised glasses for everyone

Which model of polarised glasses is right for you depends largely on your needs. The design of each goggle varies from one model to another, which is very useful in simplifying your choice. Similarly, there is also the tint of the glasses which should always be chosen carefully to improve comfort. You can even opt for unbreakable polarized glasses that are equipped with plastic lenses. They are more practical and extremely resistant, but can be scratched easily. You should therefore be careful about this and take good care of them so that the lenses stay clean.

Which hook for which fish?

Among the various accessories that make up fishing equipment, the hook is the one that tends to be neglected. And yet, this small hook must be chosen with care to increase the chances of catching fish. However, it is clear that there is no lack of hook models on the market. There is so much choice that it is easy to get lost, especially if you are still a beginner in this field. In fact, the selection of the hook to be connected to the leader depends, above all, on the type of fish you want to catch. Carp, for example, require hooks with specific characteristics. However, given the wide variety of carp that exist, you should also consider the type of carp you are fishing for when choosing which hook to use.

The different types of carp hooks

As with other fish, thecarp hook is also available in several models, varying in shape and size. When we talk about the shape of the hook, we mean the shape of the shank. This can be straight, long, medium or short. In addition, the point of the hook can be inward, outward or straight.

Carp fishing hooks are often grommets and not paddles, as carp belong to the big fish family.

Carp fishing hooks also come in a wide range of sizes and thicknesses. The size of the hooks is expressed by numbers that increase as the size decreases.

In terms of thickness, carp hooks are available in thin (thinner) and thick (thicker) versions.

Choosing a hook according to the strength of the fish

It is important to know that not all carp have the same fighting strength when they are caught on acarp hook. Some are stronger than others and require stronger hooks, i.e. hooks that do not open easily during the fight.

In fact, the strength of a carp depends on several factors, including the season. During certain periods of the year, carp are better fed and are therefore more powerful. This is particularly true during the good seasons (mid-April to mid-December). If you are fishing for carp during these seasons, you should use a strong iron hook with a straight shank and an inward point. This is the ideal type of hook to deal with these powerful carp.

During other times of the year, when carp are poorly fed, they are weaker. In this case, use fine iron hooks to increase your chances of catching carp. The thicker the hook, the heavier it will be and the more difficult it will be to suck in. Fish that are under heavy fishing pressure will easily notice this. Therefore, only use strong hooks when the situation requires it.

In addition, you should also consider the location of the fish when choosing your carp hook . For fish in flowing water (rivers) or in water that is full of clutter (e.g. dead wood), choose a fairly strong carp hook. In other cases, a fine hook with irons will be sufficient.

Where to buy fishing tackle?

The purchase of fishing tackle requires a minimum of attention to the steps that need to be taken. In addition, you need to decide where you want to buy your fishing tackle. As this is an important decision, it should be taken with the utmost care.

Buy your fishing tackle online

This is the easiest way to go if you are looking to stock up on fishing tackle. It’s up to you to find a good fishing site and then go there to make your purchases. The virtual stores dedicated to sports equipment such as Decathlon.fr are interesting addresses for this type of acquisition.

You can also turn to sites such as Aliexpress and Amazon.fr, which offer a wide range of products in this field. When shopping on such sites, you should not fail to look at buyers’ opinions. On the sales sites, this can be a good way of deducing the quality of a product.

Turning to physical shops

In addition to visiting a fishing website for your tackle purchases, you can also turn to a physical shop. This alternative has its strong points, such as getting out and about.

It is also a good opportunity to deal with a salesperson who will be able to give you good advice. That’s why this solution will work well for beginners. If you are not sure which items to buy, the seller will be able to guide you according to your needs.

Purchases between advanced practitioners

As you become more experienced, you can turn to like-minded individuals for equipment. A fishing site where the main action is to discuss the subject is a good place for this. For example, a fishing enthusiast wants to get rid of some donated tackle, so that he can buy more.

If it is verified that he is a trustworthy person, you can buy his items if you need them. However, you should be careful to be able to rely on the seller in such a situation.

Recognising quality

When you go to a fishing site or a fishing shop, it is crucial to be able to recognise the quality. The brand name is a key element in discerning the quality of a given product. The better known the brand name, the easier it will be for you to rely on it.

If you are not familiar with a brand, you can turn to the internet to research it. Doing so will allow you to come across reviews from internet users who are specialists in the field. Depending on the general nature of the reviews, it will be easier for you to get a specific idea.