How to choose a casting rod?

The casting rod is not suitable for all fishing methods. You need the right equipment to have a successful casting experience.

The casting rod isrecognisable by its flexibility compared to a spinning rod. It also has more rings than a spinning rod. Note that the casting rod has the reel and the rings on top. This type of equipment is sometimes called a baitcasting rod. It is mainly used with a casting reel.

General information on the casting rod

A casting rod is one of the easiest types of rods to use. This rod has a relatively simple line delivery that can be easily released, allowing you to target a particular spot.

These rods can handle heavier lines and manoeuvre easily in dense areas with weeds and rocks. This makes them ideal for a beginner. On the other hand, it is best to use casting rods in a rod holder, as this will allow a steady and controlled release of line to free the lure. They can also be used to target a specific area where you want the lure to land.

A casting rod is used to fish for smaller species – such as yellow perch and sunfish – but some experienced anglers are happy to use the tool to tackle larger fish species – such as bass, salmon, lake trout, walleye and northern pike.

Choosing your casting rod

The casting rod allows you to cast far and accurately. You can make incredible casts into weeds or rocks without having to worry about the line ending up somewhere you didn’t expect. Its eyes are stronger. With a casting rod, breaking the eyes under the force of the line is no longer a problem. Note that this is not the case with all types of rods.

Casting rods have the ability to handle heavier lines. And they are more effective with lines that have materials that promote a better grip. The tool is suitable for freshwater fishing. However, sea anglers may have no choice but to use a spinning rod because the fish are bigger and heavier.

When it comes to casting, casting rods are the most versatile. You can cast with live bait, lures and everything else. Especially if the lures or baits are heavier than what is attached to the other end.

Casting rods also perform well in terms of durability. If you want something strong enough to hold up, there’s no denying what a casting rod can do. These rods are really hard to break. If you want to fight a heavier fish, this type of rod is recommended for experienced anglers.

Which rod for mackerel fishing?

There are many varieties of fish available, including mackerel. This fish has many advantages, not least of which is the fact that it is relatively easy to catch. However, it is important to know what tackle to use if you want to catch this fish.

The essential details of mackerel

Mackerel is often touted as a fish to be caught for pleasure, as it does not require excessive effort. For people who go for casual fishing near the sea, it is one of the most common recourses. During the summer, you can cast the line of your sea rod along the shore and hope to catch some.

To do this, however, you need to be in a boat, some distance from shore, and at a speed of around 3 knots. With the right gear details, this fish will bite easily. You should therefore avoid overfishing, especially as you will either have to eat them or release them.

You can use basic tackle

Here, you don’t need to turn to fishing tackle that is distinguished by a high technical aspect. Instead, a light sea rod will be more than enough to fish for this fish. This rod is distinguished by the fact that it is quite compact, about 2.90 to 3.50 meters long.

The light rod is also very light, which means that it can be easily handled. The rest of the equipment to be used should also be standard, such as the reel and the line. With the right choices, fishing will be prolific without excessive effort.


The use of the sea rod is not going to be done in casting, i.e. trolling. Instead, you should plunge your lure into the water to the desired depth and then let it drag for a while. The aim is to try different depths to see where the fish are.

The lure that is generally used is the so-called machine gun lure. This one is distinguished by the use of several feathers on the back. This will easily catch the eye of the mackerel, which will rush to your lure. With a bib lure model, you can even catch several fish at the same time.

Adapting to the time of day

Using your sea rod to fish for mackerel should be done by analysing the fishing conditions. If you start fishing for this fish at the beginning or end of the season, the water temperature will be low. In this case, it is necessary to go and look for the fish a little far away.

The fish will prefer the water bottom in these situations. Things are different in the summer, and you are more likely to find mackerel between two waters. Sometimes the schools of mackerel even venture to the edge of the surface, which makes it easier to fish.

Which telescopic cane to choose?

Telescopic rods are models of rods that will have several advantages. Apart from the fact that they are compact and easy to store, you can choose a model according to your needs. The options available to us in this respect will therefore vary greatly.

The use of telescopic canes

The term telescopic cane this is a type of rod that can be easily folded back on itself. It is a model that does not lack popularity when it comes to catching fish with a small or medium size. It is therefore the main recourse for anglers who do this activity for pleasure. The simplest models are the most affordable for novice anglers.

Then, there will be various varieties, each of which will be suitable for specific uses. There is no single model of telescopic cane to which you can turn. To make the right choice, you need to familiarise yourself with the options available.

Turning to telescopic speed rods

There is a model of telescopic rod that will be used for fishing that is considered fast. These so-called speed rods will get the nickname of machine gun because of this, and are called speed whip. This type of rod is designed to allow you to cast the line quickly.

The length will be quite compact, ranging from 2m to 4.5m, and the whole thing will be very light. With the corresponding technique, it will be possible to catch a large quantity of small fish. This is the case when these fish will gather on the bank, especially after a good bait.

Using classic telescopic rods

In general, a telescopic rod will have dimensions between 4m and 8m. With this, you can fish on a wide variety of waters, and still have an effective rod. This is the model that will suit the occasional fisherman, but also those with an average level.

It is possible to generate performance that is at least appreciable for this type of rod. If you just want to fish for fun and not compete, this is the rod to buy.

Using a more powerful telescopic rod

At some point you may want to use a telescopic rod that is more powerful than your own. When this is the case, you can go to the market to find a model with the required characteristics. Here, we will have rods whose size will not exceed 7m.

The material used for its manufacture will be of higher quality. Another important detail is the interior of the rod. It will be hollow, and will usually include an elastic band. This will help to make your rod more solid. This means that you can use the rod with even a slightly heavy set-up.

How to fish with a Bolognese rod

Among the options available to you in terms of fishing, we can mention Bolognese fishing with the Bolognese rod. This technique, which originated in Italy, has easily become one of the most popular in France. In order to take advantage of it, it is important to have a good understanding of it.

The details of Bolognese-style fishing

This type of fishing, which comes from Italy, has made a name for itself in the landscape of angling styles. For this practice, it will be necessary to use a bait and a float. This variant, however, will be a little more dynamic than the traditional style of fishing. Here, the angler will be placed downstream of the watercourse.

He can also use his bolognese rod to catch fish in a stronger or weaker current. Things can happen quite quickly, and when they do, you need to be able to react properly. Although this technique is most common in freshwater, it can also be used at sea, on a moving boat.

Opting for a Bolognese rod

In order for your Bolognese fishing to go well, you need the right equipment. The Bolognese rod is the first thing you should buy.

It must be compact, about 6m, but it must also be light. The fact that it is made of carbon fibre is a necessity if you want good performance. The reel is one of the elements you want to decide on.

The question of the float and its mounting

The float is one of the elements that distinguishes Bolognese fishing from styles such as match fishing. Here the float will attach to the line at two different points. The rig makes it easier to perform technical teasing movements. This is not so possible with other fishing tackle configurations.

The choice of the lead is based on the depth at which you want to fish. In general, this will be around 3m, and the weight of the lead should be estimated at 1g per metre. Once this is the case, you can use your Bolognese rod in the best of conditions.

The essential conditions for this type of fishing

In order for this type of fishing to reach its full potential, you can go to water areas with current. The configuration of the equipment with the Bolognese rod will be adapted according to the strength of the current in question.

You just need to make sure that the wind does not ruin your fishing session. Indeed, this technique simply cannot be done if the wind is not in your favour. In the event that there is a possibility of wind, it is always best to bring gear for a different style of fishing. Otherwise, you may end up going home empty-handed.

Where to buy a fishing rod?

Do you need help finding the right fishing rod for your needs? Or are you looking for some quality fishing accessories? In order for you to enjoy the benefits of your fishing rod or tackle, you are advised to go for models offered by leading manufacturers. It is also important to look for shops that specialise in the sale of fishing tackle.

Make your purchase at the shops of the major brands

The rod is considered the most important piece of equipment for an angler. It is what enables him to carry out his battles during a fishing trip. The success of a fishing trip depends on the strength, solidity, power and comfort offered by your rod. This is why you need to know how to choose this material. Because of its importance, it would be best to opt for a rod that has been signed by a major manufacturing brand

In order to meet these expectations, it is recommended that you rely on the major fishing tackle manufacturing labels. These big brands offer you their own shops. If you want to be sure of the quality and performance of your fishing rod, you should go to these shops.

Focus on specialist shops

You can also buy carp rods and other fishing accessories in specialist shops. The aim is to find the rod model that perfectly meets your needs. To do this, you need to touch or even try out your rod. By making your purchase in these shops, you will also have the chance to find other rod models that might suit your needs. Visiting a physical shop also allows you to check the efficiency and comfort of your carp rod. And if you need advice on your purchase, knowledgeable staff will be happy to help you. Specialist shops do not only sell rods. You can even find other accessories such as lures, reels, fishing clothes, etc.

Shop at an online shop

Thanks to the evolution of technology, it is now possible to buy your carp rod or fishing rod on the Internet. With this solution, you no longer need to leave your home to make your purchase. All you need to do is sit on your sofa, have an internet connection and a smartphone or computer. With a simple click, you can find a whole list of fishing rods signed by major manufacturing brands. The internet is full of shops that specialise in the sale of fishing accessories and equipment. You can trust these platforms to find your equipment. Opting for this solution allows you to benefit from home delivery in complete safety and speed.