Where to find fishing moths?

In fishing, you can use a number of baits to catch different kinds of fish. While some baits, such as worms, are particularly versatile, others are more specific. This is the case of the fishing moth which is especially recommended for trout. Let’s take a closer look at this very special bait.

What is the fishing moth?

A false wax moth, an apiary worm or an apiary moth, these are the names given to this whitish larva. The peach moth is indeed the larva of a nocturnal insect that has much in common with the moth. The larvae of this insect resemble caterpillars, but especially the larvae that are found in fresh water.

The size of the moth varies from 1.5 to 2 cm and its colour can be white or yellowish. Some moths may be greyish in colour. The moth feeds on honey, which is why it is mainly found in beehives. This explains the different names.

Where to buy moths for fishing?

In the past, fishermen had to go to a beekeeper for fishing moths. Indeed, as these larvae grow in the hives before becoming butterflies, it is normal that you have to know a beekeeper to get them. If you are a beekeeper and a trout fisherman, you can use your hives.

If not, you can more or less easily find moths in the shops. The fact is that the moth has been on the rise for years, so you can be sure to find it at any tackle shop. It is also possible to order ringworm online, but you have to make sure that the storage conditions are respected.

The different varieties of fishing moths

Breeders of fishing moths have made selections so that you will now find three types of fishing moths on the market. The most commonly traded peach mothis the false white moth. Note that some people use the name golden moth for this variety of moth. If there is one piece of advice you should take to the letter, it is to choose moths sold in bulk. Check the packaging, the moths should be placed in a bucket with wood shavings.

In second place are the pink moths. For the most part, this variety of moth does not have any special characteristics. They have the same characteristics as the whitish moths with two exceptions. Pink moths have a pink colour and some of them are plumper.

Finally, you have what is commonly called minitail. As the name suggests, these are small moths. The larvae of this variety are up to 1 cm long. Be aware that the minnow is very effective when fishing for trout in low water.

What is the best disengageable reel?

The disengageable reel is a must for those who like to fish for big fish. It allows you to quickly wind and unwind the line of your fishing rod. But to be successful, you need to know how to choose the right spinning reel. So a few tips are in order.

Features of the best spinning reel

In order to determine which is the best disengageable reel you should choose, you must first consider certain characteristics. Firstly, there is the length of line that can be contained by the reel. Here, the line should not be too short or too long either. Then there is also the quality of the reel. This comes down to the ease of use of the reel in general. With a good quality reel, you won’t need to make many adjustments to master it.

Also, for a spinning reel to be considered better, it needs to have a certain strength. In this case, it must be able to withstand the effort it has to make and the pressure the fish puts on it. The quality of the drag should also be taken into account. It must be perfect because it is what will allow you to pull the fish in an easy way.

Price: an important parameter

In addition to all these features, it must be said that the price can also have an influence on the quality of the disengageable reel. This can also be taken in the opposite direction, because the higher the quality of the reel, the higher the price. So it all depends on your ability to connect these two important factors. In any case, you should always do a price comparison before making your decision. This will give you a clear idea of the features of each reel and the price that will be given to each model based on its quality.

The brand is also a factor to consider because the expertise of each manufacturer is an indication of the quality of the equipment. And this influences the price, of course.

Other criteria to consider

It is the front and rear brakes that make the difference between a spinning reel and a drag reel. So, for a better disengageable reel, these brakes must be resistant and very solid. This is what will allow it to bear the weight and know how to stop at the right moment. So, when you compare the models you are interested in, you should always look at the power of these brakes.

In addition, it may also be possible to choose a disengageable reel that allows you to fish from a distance. The more powerful it is, the more diversified activities can be carried out. Then, the robustness of the crank must also be considered. For a good reel, it is usually made of aluminium. After that, depending on your preferences, the colour can also play in favour of the reel.

How to use a touch sensor?

Fishing can be made much easier if you decide to use a bite detector. It saves you from having to keep a close eye on your line, as fish can take a long time to bite. To take full advantage of this, you need to get the right model.

How a bite detector works

In order for your bite detector to work properly, it must take into account a specific fact about your rod. This means that even the slightest changes to this data will be considered a touch. When this happens, you will be alerted in some way.

There are an increasing number of models on the market that can do this, and you have a wide choice. Many anglers decide to use this alternative, and it allows them to increase the number of catches they make. Both novices and advanced anglers can benefit from this.

Using a lighted bite detector

One of the most interesting models is the flashing light bite detector. You have to position the detector on your rod and wait for a catch to be noticed. To assess whether a fish has bitten the line, this detector will analyse the presence of vibrations.

This is a very accurate technique, but you need to make sure you keep an eye on the line. To avoid too much strain, it is advisable to position yourself with the rod in your line of sight. Once this is done, it will be more convenient for you to wait patiently.

Turning to an audible touch detector

The other alternative in terms of a touch sensor is one that alerts you with sounds. This is still not the most effective method, not least because it requires various adjustments. This type of detector is not able to detect the slight vibrations of your rod.

Instead, you have to use a counterbalance system that has to fall off in case of a hit, and activate the alarm. This is not the most accurate way to do this. However, it may be suitable if you do not want to keep an eye on the rod for too long.

Choosing the right brand of detector

To ensure that your touch sensor does its job properly, it is essential that you choose a good manufacturer. If you don’t buy a model that is not efficient, you risk compromising the effectiveness of the whole system. To find out which brands are the most trendy and reliable, be sure to approach the fishing communities.

These can be found on social networks like Facebook or YouTube. You can even visit the forums on the subject, as these are very active. By doing this, you are able to make the best choices for your fish finder.

How do you know if your glasses are polarized?

Polarised glasses are equipment that do not come off the eyes of fishermen. However, they really need to be polarised to avoid the disadvantages of brightness in the sun. How do you know if your glasses are polarised?

How do you define polarised glasses?

Before going any further, it is necessary to underline the definition of polarized glasses. In principle, polarised glasses are equipped with a polarising filter. The role of the latter is to eliminate the parasitic reflections of sunlight on a surface. This can be water, a road, snow or the horizon. At the same time, polarised lenses also serve to protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays.

Sunlight is a major factor in the rapid deterioration of the retina, so if this is not to happen, polarised glasses are the obvious choice. Since fishermen are always confronted with the sun’s rays, they must wear glasses with polarised lenses.

Polarised glasses, the features to remember

There are a few things you should know when choosing polarized glasses. For the safety of your eyes, you should emphasise these features. Thus, if you want to replace your glasses, you must be precise on :

  • The protection against UV by specifying the CE marking;
  • Polarisation, which is an essential point to avoid the dangers of sunlight;
  • Protection against glare.

Without these criteria, you cannot tell whether a pair of glasses is polarised or not.

How polarised glasses work

The main reason why anglers are especially interested in polarized glasses is because of all the advantages they can offer. In terms of functionality, this type of lens blocks horizontal light and allows vertical light to pass through. Thus, only useful light is reflected on the glasses and reaches the eyes. The comfort of vision is a benefit appreciated with polarized glasses. It should be noted that this type of eyewear requires special, high-quality lenses. For fishermen in particular, it is highly recommended to opt for this equipment to avoid possible glare at the water’s edge.

The right model of polarised glasses for everyone

Which model of polarised glasses is right for you depends largely on your needs. The design of each goggle varies from one model to another, which is very useful in simplifying your choice. Similarly, there is also the tint of the glasses which should always be chosen carefully to improve comfort. You can even opt for unbreakable polarized glasses that are equipped with plastic lenses. They are more practical and extremely resistant, but can be scratched easily. You should therefore be careful about this and take good care of them so that the lenses stay clean.

How does a spinning reel work?

A spinning reel is a popular fishing accessory because of its versatility. The product can also be very practical and easy to handle. A beginner in fishing should have no trouble handling it. You just need to understand how the accessory works to fish in the best conditions.

The accessory must wind up correctly

The proper functioning of a spinning reel depends largely on how you reel it in. First and foremost, it must be securely attached to the rod before the line is passed through the first guide. Don’t forget to open the bail before attaching the line to your reel spool. This will save you trouble when fishing. The line should wrap around the reel twice before being tied on an overhand knot. You can then gently wrap the line around the reel. It is important to always keep an eye on the orientation of the reel while filling it. This will prevent you from starting things up again. You should also put some tension on the line when you start winding the line.

Do not neglect the amount of braid

You have to be careful about how much braid you use on your spinning reel. Too much braid can lead to wind knots. On the other hand, you should always expect to catch long-distance fish. Therefore, you should be careful not to run out of braid. In most cases, it is advisable to have 200 metres of line on the reel. But you can also find lines of 150 or 300, but also 600 meters. In this case, the braid should be kept below the edge of the reel.

What about the weight and drag power of the attachment?

It is important to determine the type of fishing you want to do before deciding on the weight of the reel. For example, a model weighing less than 400g may be sufficient for light casting. But you will need a 400-600g spinning reel for intermediate fishing. For strong fishing, you need a reel weighing more than 600 g. In any case, you should not neglect the drag power of the accessory, which is expressed in kg. A reel with a drag power of 5 kg indicates that the product can easily withstand lower pulling forces.

The point about the retrieve and reel of your spinning reel

When it comes to retrieval, you should look at the ratio and the VMT offered by the accessory. A TMV of 90 cm, for example, indicates that your spinning reel is capable of retrieving 90 cm of line for one turn of the handle. Finally, your reel can be spooled either crosswise or in turns. The first option may be a must if you decide to fish with braid. The second option is perfect for fishing with nylon lines. In addition, full-twist spooling usually requires full-twist spooling.

Which hook for which fish?

Among the various accessories that make up fishing equipment, the hook is the one that tends to be neglected. And yet, this small hook must be chosen with care to increase the chances of catching fish. However, it is clear that there is no lack of hook models on the market. There is so much choice that it is easy to get lost, especially if you are still a beginner in this field. In fact, the selection of the hook to be connected to the leader depends, above all, on the type of fish you want to catch. Carp, for example, require hooks with specific characteristics. However, given the wide variety of carp that exist, you should also consider the type of carp you are fishing for when choosing which hook to use.

The different types of carp hooks

As with other fish, thecarp hook is also available in several models, varying in shape and size. When we talk about the shape of the hook, we mean the shape of the shank. This can be straight, long, medium or short. In addition, the point of the hook can be inward, outward or straight.

Carp fishing hooks are often grommets and not paddles, as carp belong to the big fish family.

Carp fishing hooks also come in a wide range of sizes and thicknesses. The size of the hooks is expressed by numbers that increase as the size decreases.

In terms of thickness, carp hooks are available in thin (thinner) and thick (thicker) versions.

Choosing a hook according to the strength of the fish

It is important to know that not all carp have the same fighting strength when they are caught on acarp hook. Some are stronger than others and require stronger hooks, i.e. hooks that do not open easily during the fight.

In fact, the strength of a carp depends on several factors, including the season. During certain periods of the year, carp are better fed and are therefore more powerful. This is particularly true during the good seasons (mid-April to mid-December). If you are fishing for carp during these seasons, you should use a strong iron hook with a straight shank and an inward point. This is the ideal type of hook to deal with these powerful carp.

During other times of the year, when carp are poorly fed, they are weaker. In this case, use fine iron hooks to increase your chances of catching carp. The thicker the hook, the heavier it will be and the more difficult it will be to suck in. Fish that are under heavy fishing pressure will easily notice this. Therefore, only use strong hooks when the situation requires it.

In addition, you should also consider the location of the fish when choosing your carp hook . For fish in flowing water (rivers) or in water that is full of clutter (e.g. dead wood), choose a fairly strong carp hook. In other cases, a fine hook with irons will be sufficient.

Where to buy a fishing rod?

Do you need help finding the right fishing rod for your needs? Or are you looking for some quality fishing accessories? In order for you to enjoy the benefits of your fishing rod or tackle, you are advised to go for models offered by leading manufacturers. It is also important to look for shops that specialise in the sale of fishing tackle.

Make your purchase at the shops of the major brands

The rod is considered the most important piece of equipment for an angler. It is what enables him to carry out his battles during a fishing trip. The success of a fishing trip depends on the strength, solidity, power and comfort offered by your rod. This is why you need to know how to choose this material. Because of its importance, it would be best to opt for a rod that has been signed by a major manufacturing brand

In order to meet these expectations, it is recommended that you rely on the major fishing tackle manufacturing labels. These big brands offer you their own shops. If you want to be sure of the quality and performance of your fishing rod, you should go to these shops.

Focus on specialist shops

You can also buy carp rods and other fishing accessories in specialist shops. The aim is to find the rod model that perfectly meets your needs. To do this, you need to touch or even try out your rod. By making your purchase in these shops, you will also have the chance to find other rod models that might suit your needs. Visiting a physical shop also allows you to check the efficiency and comfort of your carp rod. And if you need advice on your purchase, knowledgeable staff will be happy to help you. Specialist shops do not only sell rods. You can even find other accessories such as lures, reels, fishing clothes, etc.

Shop at an online shop

Thanks to the evolution of technology, it is now possible to buy your carp rod or fishing rod on the Internet. With this solution, you no longer need to leave your home to make your purchase. All you need to do is sit on your sofa, have an internet connection and a smartphone or computer. With a simple click, you can find a whole list of fishing rods signed by major manufacturing brands. The internet is full of shops that specialise in the sale of fishing accessories and equipment. You can trust these platforms to find your equipment. Opting for this solution allows you to benefit from home delivery in complete safety and speed.

Where to buy fishing tackle?

The purchase of fishing tackle requires a minimum of attention to the steps that need to be taken. In addition, you need to decide where you want to buy your fishing tackle. As this is an important decision, it should be taken with the utmost care.

Buy your fishing tackle online

This is the easiest way to go if you are looking to stock up on fishing tackle. It’s up to you to find a good fishing site and then go there to make your purchases. The virtual stores dedicated to sports equipment such as Decathlon.fr are interesting addresses for this type of acquisition.

You can also turn to sites such as Aliexpress and Amazon.fr, which offer a wide range of products in this field. When shopping on such sites, you should not fail to look at buyers’ opinions. On the sales sites, this can be a good way of deducing the quality of a product.

Turning to physical shops

In addition to visiting a fishing website for your tackle purchases, you can also turn to a physical shop. This alternative has its strong points, such as getting out and about.

It is also a good opportunity to deal with a salesperson who will be able to give you good advice. That’s why this solution will work well for beginners. If you are not sure which items to buy, the seller will be able to guide you according to your needs.

Purchases between advanced practitioners

As you become more experienced, you can turn to like-minded individuals for equipment. A fishing site where the main action is to discuss the subject is a good place for this. For example, a fishing enthusiast wants to get rid of some donated tackle, so that he can buy more.

If it is verified that he is a trustworthy person, you can buy his items if you need them. However, you should be careful to be able to rely on the seller in such a situation.

Recognising quality

When you go to a fishing site or a fishing shop, it is crucial to be able to recognise the quality. The brand name is a key element in discerning the quality of a given product. The better known the brand name, the easier it will be for you to rely on it.

If you are not familiar with a brand, you can turn to the internet to research it. Doing so will allow you to come across reviews from internet users who are specialists in the field. Depending on the general nature of the reviews, it will be easier for you to get a specific idea.

Which reel for sea lure fishing?

Are you new to sea lure fishing? In order to help you, we recommend that you get the right equipment. One of the most important pieces of equipment for sea fishing is the reel. Various reel models are currently offered by specialist shops. In this article, you will find the criteria to take into account when choosing your reel for lure fishing.

Consider the size and weight of your reel

Whether you are an amateur or a professional, it is no secret that the quality and performance of your equipment is an important part of any fishing trip. That’s why we suggest you consider the size of your reel so that it can be consistent with your rod. To enjoy a good cast, it is important that your reel and rod are in balance.

Knowing how to choose the right size of reel will also help you avoid fatigue. If you choose a reel that is a bit heavy for your rod, it will create an imbalance on the back of the rod. On the other hand, you create an imbalance towards the front. For sea lure fishing, we advise you to choose a reel with a size between 3000 and 5000.

Think about the situation

When buying your reel, you should also consider the situation you want to fish in. If you want to fish in the sea, it is recommended that you choose a reel that can easily adapt to the environment. Be aware that salt is very corrosive. To avoid damage to the gear, choose a model that is able to withstand the salt. It is also important to consider the power of your reel. But in order to find the perfect power for your reel, you should also consider the power of your rod.

The same goes for the power of the drag. To help you in your fights, you can opt for a big game reel. Many professionals choose to use a big game reel because of its powerful drag. The size of the target is also an important criterion. For larger fish in the sea, the big game reel is for you.

Choosing by brand

In order to benefit from the efficiency and performance of your reel, we advise you to go for a model from a major brand

Opting for this offers you an opportunity to benefit from a reel made from quality material

Even if you’ve found the perfect size and power for your reel, but it’s not made by a reputable label, we recommend you continue your search.