Where to buy fishing line?

Fishing line is one of the elements that will play a key role in the success of this practice. In addition, it is necessary to shop for good quality fishing line to ensure that you are satisfied with it. To do this properly, you need to make sure that you go to the most reliable stores for this.

The importance of a good fishing line

Fishing lines are discreet, but they will be of paramount importance in catching your fish well. Depending on your fishing line, you will increase your chances of catching a good fish without losing any material. Indeed, when you decide to use cheap fishing line, there is a risk that it will break.

The qualities that a line can have will vary. Nylon will distinguish itself by providing a good management of the power of the fish. As for braid, it is an undeniable asset when you need precise information concerning the action of this aquatic animal.

Go to specialist online shops

To ensure that you get the most suitable fishing line , you can go online. This way, you have access to several online shops that offer the best items available. Among these, we can mention Decathlon.

Specialising in sports equipment, it is only natural that you will also find excellent fishing lines on this site. Interesting alternatives include Amazon, but also Aliexpress. For these sites, you should evaluate the many options you can find. This will give you a clear idea of what is most suitable.

Approach a fishing shop

If you are lucky enough to have a fishing shop nearby, you should go there. The fishing lines available there are usually designed to be well varied to give you satisfaction.

Secondly, you have the advantage of being able to talk directly to a salesperson. The advantage of this is that you can ask for advice. It is much easier to do this if you are a novice. Another advantage is that you don’t have to wait to be delivered.

Fishing communities

The sport of fishing is an opportunity for many people to get together around it. In this, they will often sell tackle to each other, and this is a very common practice. If you are looking for interesting but not too expensive fishing lines, this is an option to consider.

However, it is not easy to join such a community. In addition, anglers will take it upon themselves to sell such materials in order to buy new ones. In order to make good deals, such circles are to be frequented for you, and you just have to be careful about which ones.

How to fly cast?

In order to practice fly fishing, it is essential to practice the casting motion. This is the part that makes some people give up because it takes patience to learn. However, things go faster if you know how to be patient.

The basic casting technique

In fly fishing, it will be possible to decide on various casting styles. It is up to you to decide which one suits you best. However, everything will start from a set of basic movements that you will have to master. The first thing to do is to know how to hold the rod, and you can use one or two hands.

The first move is to raise the rod backwards to allow the line to move in that direction. You should then keep the rod in the 13 o’clock position until the line is sufficiently taut. When it is, you send the rod forward to allow it to go away, then hold it when the fly hits the water.

Practising in a favourable environment

Mastering fly casting is not a one-day event, and it is essential to take the time to practice in order to get the most out of it. So, first of all, you need to find a good place that is conducive to this.

One of the most important conditions is to have enough space around you. Doing so will prevent the line from getting caught on an obstacle or having its path disturbed. Also, it is best to avoid places where other people might distract you.

Good practices to adopt

There are a few rules to follow when you are new to fly fishing and want to improve. First of all, you should not think about catching fish when you start. The goal should be to first adjust the movement to be as optimal as possible.

Secondly, it is more practical not to place a hook at the end of the line when you are just learning. It can get stuck somewhere and interfere with your training. Finally, you should think about the timing and not hesitate too much between the movements.

Fishing with a fly or a lure

There is a difference between fly fishing with a real fly and using a lure. The difference will mainly be that the fly is much lighter. So it is advisable to give your line more length.

The weight of the line will help to make up for the lightness of your fly. You have fewer constraints similar to this when using a lure. Indeed, this one will often have a rather consequent weight, which you will be able to choose according to your needs.

Which reel for sea fishing?

The sea is one of the most interesting places to fish, because of the wide variety of fish available. Since the conditions are not the same as for freshwater fishing, it is best to take the appropriate measures. One of these is to choose the right sea reel.

The specificities of the marine environment

Sea fishing will have specificities such as the extent of the water, as well as other elements that make it different from fishing in a lake or a river. First of all, you have two possibilities to do the fishing, either in the middle of the water on a boat or from the shore.

Both styles will come with various hazards that will require you to take various steps. The choice of a sea reel is thus well affected by geographical conditions. You need to take into account the needs of each situation to make the best choice.

The qualities of a good reel

To decide on a model of sea reel, one must first have a good understanding of the details that will affect this item. To do this, you need to look at each of its components, and then determine what criteria will make them optimal. A reel will consist of a spool around which the line is wound, a crank and a brake assembly.

Depending on your needs, these components may have to meet specific criteria. The type of fish as well as the environment will make a reel model very effective or not so much. The bottom line is that the whole thing should fit together as well as possible.

The reel for sea fishing

Fishing in the sea will require that you can cast the rod over a very long distance. A good sea reel should be able to store a good amount of line. Then, to avoid the famous wig effect, it is necessary to be able to stop the flow of the line.

For this, it is necessary to have good quality brakes. Finally, sea fish are generally going to be quite massive. This is important when choosing a reel, as it must be robust. Therefore, you should favour a material with decent strength.

What else is needed for sea fishing

The sea reel is not the only accessory you need to decide on for sea fishing. You also need to pay attention to the other details of your equipment. For example, you will need a long rod for shore fishing, about 9-10m. If you are fishing from a boat, this will not be so necessary, and it is better to use a medium size rod, i.e. 4 to 5m. The choice of baits must also be made with great discernment, based on the specificities of the fish that retain

Which lure for trout in rivers?

Trout fishing is an art, and it is crucial to decide on the details of your tackle. Among other things, the choice of the right trout lure must be made with the utmost care to ensure the best fishing conditions. The lure is one of the details that must be well chosen.

Fishing for trout in rivers

The trout is a freshwater fish that can be found in water bodies such as rivers. The conditions for fishing for this fish will vary according to the details of such a river. Depending on this, one specific type of lure may be more effective than another.

Trout fishing is managed seasonally, from early March to September. As it is a carnivorous fish, it is not always permitted to fish for it throughout the year. You can ask your local authority for details of this plan.

The size of the river

Depending on the size of the river in which you are going to fish for trout, the details of the suitable lure may vary. The more compact the river with little current, the more careful the fish will be about foreign elements entering the water.

They are likely to stay away from your lures if they arrive too suddenly, or if they are too unusual. With this in mind, it is best to use lures that look as close as possible to natural baits. At best, it is even better to use a non-flexible bait in this case.

The nature of the water in the river

The clarity of the water is a detail to be taken into account when choosing baits. In clear water you have more restrictions on the trout lure you want to use. This is because it is easier for the fish to see if the bait is realistic.

When the water gets murky, it becomes necessary to choose baits that will be difficult for your fish to miss. They will be much more tempted to feed on it than they are when they can see well.

The time of year you fish

The voracity of fish towards a lure is not going to be the same whether you are in high or low season. When trout are plentiful in the early spring, they will easily rush to anything they see that looks edible.

At this time, it is important to choose baits that are outstanding. As time goes on, they will become more wary of bait in the water. As you approach the off-season, it is best to use baits that are closer to the real thing. Real bait is even better at this time.

Which electric motor for float tube?

Are you thinking of equipping your float tube with an electric motor? It is possible. As long as your float fishing tool is robust and can take a lot of weight, you can motorise it well. There are many manufacturers today offering motors for float tubes. Power, battery, accessories,… faced with these various points, one can easily get lost in the choice of such equipment. Discover the criteria to take into account to choose an electric motor for float tube.

The power of the float tube motor

Although there are various types of float tube motors on the market today, the electric model is still the most commonly used. One of the advantages of this model is that it is more practical and also ensures more mobility. It also requires very little maintenance over time. It is powered by a battery.

To equip your best float tube with an electric motor, you must first think about the power of the latter. In fact, to find the right power, you must take into account the characteristics of your boat. You can choose between 18 lbs and 55 lbs of power. Here, it is the weight and size of your float tube that counts. Before installing the motor, make sure your boat is light and easy to handle.

Choosing a float tube motor battery

This criterion is also important because the performance of the electric motor and the range of your float tube depends on it. You should know that 3 types of battery exist on the market:

  • The lead battery, being heavy and less efficient. However, it has the advantage of being more accessible in terms of price;
  • The AGM battery, which has the advantage of being lighter and less expensive. It is also less sensitive to vibrations and shocks. What’s more, it is easier to charge;
  • The lithium battery, being more compact and more efficient. What’s more, it lasts longer compared to the models mentioned above. The only drawback is the higher price.

Whichever battery you choose, don’t forget to check its capacity. This is expressed in Ah. Finally, if you choose a lead-acid battery, beware of the acid in it. It will damage your best float tube when it runs over it.

Other criteria to check

In addition to the power and the battery, there are other criteria that deserve special attention:

  • The motor mount: any of the best float tubes will have a mount for the motor. If your boat does not have one, you can buy a motor support kit from some shops;
  • Additional accessories, such as a battery tray. This equipment is very useful as it protects the battery from water, loss and shock;
  • Price: Your budget can also be a factor in determining your choice of electric float tube motor. To find a model that fits your budget, ask and compare a few prices.

What is the best spinnerbait?

Do you want to make a name for yourself in the world of predator fishing? Then you should try the spinnerbait. This is the American version of the spinner. Although this lure is not yet widely used in France, it is a very effective lure

The spinnerbait: an American style lure

The spinnerbait does not yet have many followers in France. However, this lure, which originated in the United States, is not only effective but also very versatile. If you are planning to fish for predators, this is the lure you need to have at the end of your line.

It is a lure with a fish-shaped lead head. This head is often made of shiny metal, chrome or gold. This shine is designed to attract fish. This lure also has a very colourful skirt. The brighter the colour of the skirt the better. The spinnerbait is also a spinner because of its sparkling, spinning metal paddles

The choice of spinnerbait weight

Spinnerbaits almost all share the same physical characteristics mentioned above. However, you can find several models of this lure on the market. The first characteristic that differentiates them is their weight. This weight is very important and determines the actual behaviour of the lure in the water.

The weight of the spinnerbait is also the element to take into account depending on whether you are fishing in more or less calm or deep water. The principle is that the calmer the water, the less lead you need. On the other hand, if you do not need to go deep, you do not need a heavy spinnerbait either. The best spinnerbait is the one that allows you to fish adequately in the type of water you choose.

Choosing the colour of the spinnerbait

There is no real correlation between the colour of the spinnerbait and the type of fish it catches. On the other hand, it is clear that the colours of the paddles and the lead head play a very important role. Indeed, if you are fishing in clear water, the best lure to use is the one with chrome or silver blades.

On the other hand, when you are fishing in more or less tinted water, it is wise to opt for golden vanes. However, it should be noted that in overly tinted waters, the best spinnerbait is the coloured spinnerbait. As for the colour of the skirt, the best of this lure always displays colours that mix warm and cool tones. Also, the flashier the better.

Some spinnerbait brands

When it comes to spinnerbaits, you can find everything on the internet. However, it should be noted that only quality spinnerbaits are recommended for you. If this is the first time you are going to use a spinnerbait, you will find the best models in the products of the brands Strike King, Booyah or Lil Hustler. After that you can also try other spinners from other brands that could very well allow you to make a nice catch.

How to fish with a streamer?

When you get into the world of fishing, you will find that there are many different techniques for catching fish. One of them is streamer fishing, which consists of using a lure, the streamer. However, to succeed with this technique, you need some know-how. Here is how to fish with a streamer.

What is streamer fishing?

Before talking about the techniques for successful streamer fishing, it is best to explain what it is. Indeed, streamer fishing consists of using an artificial fly with an incentive. In any case, this lure during its use imitates small fish such as sculpins, sticklebacks, small trout and others found in lakes and rivers. It is the behaviour of these fish that should be imitated with this fishing technique.

How to fish with a streamer

As mentioned above, the success of streamer fishing depends on a few points, and these tips will be of great help to you.

Choose a rabbit streamer with a flashy colour

To begin with, it is important to choose the right streamer. If you want to catch good trout, you should choose a model made of rabbit hair. At the start of the fishing season, a rabbit with two colours (chartreuse and black) will do the trick. As far as the flash is concerned, it is up to you to imagine how it can be made. For example, it is possible to use crystal fibres behind the streamer.

Adapting the tungsten balls

For the fishing streamer, you can choose between the ball and the sinker to ensure the movement of the lure. The advantage of the tungsten ball is that it is heavier and gives the streamer better movement. It is also more effective in triggering fish to attack, especially trout.

Finding the area where the fish are

Being an angler is not just about casting a line and sitting patiently waiting for a fish to take the bait. Indeed, it is very important to be able to read the water to know where the prey is? Not exactly, but at least as close as possible. For example, rainbow trout live in schools, especially during the opening. So remember to choose a quiet spot. As far as hooks for streamer fishing are concerned, you can use 4 or 6 hooks with tungsten balls of at least 4 mm.

Everything else depends on the animation

A true fishing enthusiast knows very well that knowing how to animate the lure properly is very important. This also applies to streamer fishing. The streamer should be made to live as much as possible, whether it is lake or river fishing. For example, it is possible to use the current. This means using the downstream cast and the cross cast. To go deep, you can use the upstream cast. So, place the fly close to the shore, let it sink and be carried away by the current. Move the lure quickly 30 to 50 cm downstream before bringing it back to its initial position. This is the way to get the fish to attack, but it takes a little practice.

Which carp fishing hook?

Carp fishing can be practiced all year round and is very popular with fishing enthusiasts. Moreover, fishing for this type of fish can be done both during the day and at night. And that’s not all! Carp fishing is an opportunity for you to catch beautiful fish. The weight of these fish is usually around 10 kg and more (up to 20 kg). However, as with other fish, carp fishing also involves choosing the right hook to use. In this article you will find all you need to know about choosing the right hook for successful carp fishing.

The hook, an essential element for carp fishing

You should not underestimate the choice of thecarp hook that you will place at the end of the line. The hook is an essential element for fishing in general and for carp fishing in particular. Indeed, as mentioned above, carp is a rather large fish, and its catch requires a strong and sharp hook. If you choose the wrong hook, you will be more likely to be confronted with stalls (due to a hook opening in the middle of a fight for example).

However, the market currently offers a wide choice of hooks with extremely varied characteristics. It is easy to get lost, especially if you are a beginner in the field. By these few lines below, we will guide you so that you do not make a mistake in the choice of your carp hook.

How to choose the shape and the point of the hook

As you will surely have noticed, the hooks available on the market are constantly diversifying. It is mainly through the type of shape and point that these hooks differ from one another. In many ways, hooks with a straight shank and an inward point are the most popular models. These types of hooks are classified as “iron-strong”, i.e. very robust. These are the ideal types of hooks for carp fishing in congested waters (e.g. dead wood) or in running waters (rivers).

Apart from that, always use a hook with a sharp point, so that the carp can keep it once swallowed.

The question of hook size for carp fishing

The choice of the size of thecarp hook depends on the size of the bait to be used. Obviously, the larger the bait, the larger the hook you use (size 1 to 4). If the bait you are planning to use is small, you will of course opt for the small hooks (size 4 to 8).

How to fish with a jig?

There is a wide variety of accessories available to get you started in fishing. The jig is one of the most popular lures for this practice. It is essential to proceed in a specific way to make the best use of the potential of this lure.

The jig, a lure for many situations

Basically, the jig is a lure that is mainly used for sea fishing. But it has versatile qualities, which makes it a real asset for freshwater fishing as well. The jig is distinguished by the fact that it is a lure that imitates the visual aspect of a fish very well.

In addition, this lure is also able to produce vibrations that give the illusion of a real bait to the fish. All you need to do is choose the right jig rod and you’ll be ready for many different fishing situations. The fish you want to catch is the most important factor to consider when choosing your tackle.

Choosing the size and visual aspect

One of the details that distinguish jigs from each other is their size. It is possible to find models that are only a few centimetres long, but also jigs that are as big as fish. You have to decide what your target game is feeding on.

When it comes to appearance, you have a wide variety of choices. The important thing to choose here is certainly the colour. If you want your jig rod to bring in marine fish, you should favour bright colours. In the case of freshwater, realistic and subdued colours will work best.

Deciding on a rod

The choice of a jigging rod should be made according to the fish, but also your level of experience. It simply has to be strong enough to cope with some fish.

Lightness is also necessary, and in this respect, the most viable alternatives are those made of carbon. The size can really vary, and we are talking about models ranging from 3m to 6m. The reel is usually around 3000 to 4000, and you really have to choose on a case by case basis.

Getting the jig set up right

For the jig to serve you well, it is necessary to choose the right mounting. Among other things, you need to decide whether to use a clip or a swivel. The first solution has the advantage of being simple to mount, as well as being light. The swivel is more interesting if you fear that your lure will spin too much and cause wigging.

The swivel is more interesting if you are worried about your lure spinning too much and causing wigging, but it has to be mounted more precisely and is slightly heavier than the staple. Regardless of the choice made here, your jig rod will be of the most help if you know how to tie good knots. Among those that are essential to know is the Palomar knot, but the versions to use are much more extensive.

Which Daiwa reel for trout?

The choice of reel should not be made when you decide to go fishing. It is important that you can enjoy the comfort and safety that the product offers. To help you, here are some Daiwa reel models that you can use for trout fishing.

The Daiwa 20 Legalis LT

Weighing only 180 grams, this daiwa reel 20 Legalis LT will not tire your hands easily. You’ll have an easier time catching trout thanks to its 5.2:1 gear ratio. You can also take full advantage of its braking power and the line capacity of the spool. This is 150/0,14 m/ømm. Easy to handle, this reel operates with a braking force of 5 kg. In addition to this, 5 ball bearings ensure that the mechanism works properly. It should be noted that this model has an aluminium Air spool and a CNC-machined crank handle. The TouchDigigear gearing system should also not be overlooked.

The Daiwa Ninja LT

Weighing in at just over 200g, this Daiwa Ninja LT reel is a great choice if you want to fish for trout. Note that this model effectively combines power with lightness. This makes it easy to use and comfortable to use. Indeed, you won’t get tired easily with this fishing accessory. You will even be able to fish all day without any worries. Another advantage of this model is its internal high-tech mechanism. This is equipped with a Tough Digigear control wheel with a long service life. The rotation is also perfect thanks to the “Air Rotor”.

The Daiwa Legalis LT 6000 D H

Made from aluminium and carbon, this Daiwa reel model also features a reliable ABS spool. In addition, the machined aluminium handle makes the product easier to handle. Even a novice angler can easily learn to use this accessory. You will be able to fish for trout with ease with this product. Note that this model has an indisputable lightness which is also combined with its robustness. It is also equipped with a TouchDigigear technology and a tubular hoop. This model has a long lifespan.

The Daiwa 20 Exceler LT

This is a Daiwa reel that should not be put aside when fishing for trout. This accessory has been made from Zaion Light composite which makes it light but also strong. You can be sure that this reel can cope with deformation and still give you a long life. You can enjoy maximum comfort every time you use this reel thanks to its light weight. In addition, this model has an optimised transmission system that makes it more powerful. Finally, you will be entitled to a high performance braking system when you opt for this reel.