How to make a feeder mount?


Feeder fishing is one of the techniques you can turn to for the best fishing results. In order to do this well, you need to use a rig that is suitable for the purpose you are trying to achieve. Once you have made up your mind, you can start fishing effectively.

Using a feeder for fishing

A feeder is a small cylindrical container in which to place bait. The aim is to disperse the food that attracts the fish around, and then to bring them back with the line. The container in question can have various shapes, and it is up to you to make use of the one that suits you best.

This is a very useful solution if you want to fish in the low season. The fish will not show up as much when the fishing season ends. With a feeder, you have a better chance of attracting fish around your line.

The importance of a good rig

To use a feeder for fishing, you will need to decide on a style of rig. This will affect the amount of tackle you will need to fish well. For the simplest rigs, you will not need to use too much material, and vice versa for the more complex ones.

It is also possible to draw a parallel with the level of efficiency of the rig and its complexity. The least easy solutions to set up will naturally be the ones that will allow the most catches.

Possible cases for mounting your feeder

Regardless of the type of rig you choose for your feeder, you will need a swivel or staple, a good leader and float stops, which are often made of rubber. For the loop rig, float stops may not be used, and you will simply need to tie knots instead.

The flat rig consists of putting the leader, swivel, first stop float, your feeder, and a second stop float in a row. Helicopter rigs involve attaching two leaders to the swivel, one of which holds the hook, and the other holds the feeder;

Using your e-feeder properly

In addition to the question of the season, it is also worth considering other details for the use of the feeder. The water temperature is one of the things you need to consider. In colder water, fish will want to make much less of an effort.

The make-up of your leader is also a potential strategic move. This can be set up to first attract small fish and then attract larger fish that will be curious. It also depends on the target fish you want to catch during your fishing, and this is certainly the most important detail.

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